How to Set Up Your Own Coffee Corner at HomeNews

    For a true-blue coffee aficionado, having a dedicated home coffee station is an act of self-love. Not only does a coffee corner at home celebrate your love for your favorite versatile beverage, but it also provides a warm and relaxing space for conversations or me-time during early mornings and languid afternoons.

    That said, a modern home coffee station is a statement and functional addition to any coffee lover's residence. And with our wide array of coffee shop equipment and coffee bar ideas, you can customize your coffee corner at home to your personal aesthetics, space requirements, budget, and unique living style.

    Take a look at our list of coffee bar ideas to create the perfect coffee corner at home.


    The Basics of Setting Up a Home Coffee Station

    Whether in your kitchen, dining room, or even tucked inside a vacant closet, a coffee corner at home is well worth considering, especially if you need caffeine to function. A home coffee station will be just like going to your favorite cafe every day, without actually having to leave  the house.

    Keep reading for coffee bar ideas that are sure to perk you up like a freshly brewed cup.


    Invest in the Best Equipment

    Of course, you can’t have a coffee corner at home without the equipment that you need to make a great cup of joe. For beginners, we recommend the Hario Pour Over Starter Set , ideal if you're looking for an easy and simple way to make your morning cup of coffee. The set is known to consistently produce bold, flavorful, and clean coffee -- making it a top choice among professional baristas and home brewers alike.

    Unlike the complicated machines you see in cafes, the set doesn't involve a lot of buttons or fills. Brewing your daily cup is quick, simple, easy to do. Plus, it's made by world-class brand Hario, recognized by the global coffee community as one of the ultimate go-to's for new coffee brewing equipment.

    If you choose to grind your beans instead of buying pre-ground packs, you'll need a coffee grinder too! Grinding your own beans will allow you to control grind size, giving you more flexibility to brew your coffee just the way you like it. You can choose an electric grinder or a manual hand one.

    Other equipment we recommend is a French Press or the AeroPress. Both are really good for those who are just starting out on a home coffee station and their brewing journey. Of course, once you’ve set up a coffee corner at home, you can move on to more sophisticated equipment such as an espresso machine or even a siphon coffee maker. You’ll be surprised to find a wide range and variety of coffee makers in the Philippines.


    Choose the Perfect Spot

    Before actually buying your equipment, you need to find a space for your modern home coffee station. When it comes to bringing your coffee bar ideas to life, not just any spare corner will do. It's important to choose a spot with adequate room for all your brewing essentials and a location with easy access to your sink and trash can. That way, you can quickly throw away used filters and wash your equipment without carrying them across the room. Of course, you'll also want to be near an electrical outlet in case you need to plug in appliances.

    Popular locations for a stylish and practical coffee corner design at home include a corner of your kitchen counter or even a freestanding cart. If possible, choose an area with empty wall space above your future home coffee station. This will be helpful for decorating and storage.


    Display Your Mugs and Supplies

    Once you have your space and equipment laid out, it's time to add supporting items to your home coffee station. It's good to store mugs on your coffee corner, as this will save you time from walking to the cupboard each time you need a boost of caffeine.

    There are many options for storing your mugs. If your coffee corner at home is situated under a cabinet or on a sidebar, you can simply tuck the mugs into a cupboard or drawer. But you can also use your mugs as decor pieces and have them displayed on a free-standing rack or on wall-mounted units. You can even install a mug rack with shelves so you can hang your mugs on hooks and arrange other items (sugar bowls, coffee stirrers, bottles of flavoring and syrup, etc.) on top.

    For storage-related coffee bar ideas, drawer dividers will prevent your station from being just another cluttered cupboard. A drawer divider will help keep things organized and make grabbing tools and ingredients quicker and easier. For storing bottles of coffee syrup, you can either use wine racks or line them up on a stylish tray.


    Finish Off with Fun Decorations

    This is the part where you can really get creative and run wild with your coffee bar ideas! You can get inspiration from your favorite cafe -- are the interiors cozy and rustic? Sleek and elegant? Or pastel-themed? Use the aesthetics of your favorite cafe as a jumping board for your coffee corner design at home.

    Additionally, you can fill glass jars with your favorite toppings. Marshmallows, biscuits, and cookies will look amazing in glass jars. Sugar, nutmeg, creamer, and cinnamon will also look great displayed in decorative canisters and small mason jars.

    You can also add a few decorative accents as finishing touches to your home coffee station. You can have succulents planted in a cute coffee mug or hang up a chalkboard for quick and easy recipes! You can also place artwork or inspirational quotes about coffee to complete the look. Really, the sky's the limit when it comes to coffee bar ideas.


    Turn Your Dream Home Coffee Station into a Reality with

    Nothing declares your love for caffeine louder than a dedicated coffee corner at home. Once you've gathered inspiration from our coffee bar ideas, it won't be long before you can set up a station at home and make the perfect cup of coffee in one spot.

    If you're still searching for coffee equipment and accessories, has you covered. We are the epitome of our brand's name -- we curate the best coffee accessories from global brands and make it accessible for coffee lovers in the Philippines. Plus, we offer them at unbeatable prices and we're passionate coffee nerds like you. We're always here to answer any questions about the right coffee equipment and premium blends you need to brew like a pro.

    For more information about coffee bar ideas, don't hesitate to contact us today.