The Best Gifts for Your Coffee Loving FriendsNews

    We all have at least one person in our lives who can’t function without their daily coffee fix. It makes sense to just give them something coffee-related as a gift, right?


    Wrong! Coffee-lovers are a diverse bunch and you want to make sure that you get the perfect gift for their drinking style. Thankfully, there’s so many coffee-related items in the market nowadays that you are sure to find something perfect for your caffeine-addicted friend. If you’re still looking for gift options, here are our recommendations:


    A High-Quality Coffee Maker

    This option is really a no-brainer, especially if your friend is someone who loves making their own coffee. There are a lot of different coffee makers out there, so you won’t find it too difficult to find one for your favorite coffee lover. Just make sure to get the right kind of coffee maker for your friends and you’re golden! If you’re still looking for the right coffee maker, here are some of the best options out there:


    Classic Stovetop Moka Top

    This Italian style espresso maker is the perfect option for coffee lovers who enjoy deep and dark coffees and espresso. Stovetop coffee makers work by adding water to the bottom of the container, while fine grounds are added to the filtered top layer. The heat generates steam, creating pressure, causing the water to flow from the bottom to the top compartment. Stovetop coffee makers don’t require any additional filters and can give you a strong, dark brew that is similar to espresso.


    French Press Coffee Maker

    A French Press is an excellent gift for drinkers who enjoy a full-bodied flavor to their coffee. This coffee maker works by steeping a mix of coarse and medium-ground coffee beans in freshly boiled water. Add the lid, and after a few minutes, slowly push down the mesh-filtered plunger to move the grounds at the bottom of the carafe. This method is fairly quick and because of the water temperature, it also prevents over-extraction, giving coffee lovers a more flavorful drink.


    Aeropress Coffee Maker

    This is for the coffee lovers who need a really strong shot of coffee in the morning. Aeropress coffee makers work similarly to French Presses, with the added bonus of being easier to clean! Aside from that, this coffee maker can brew an americano, espresso, or a cold brew! This is a total steal for coffee lovers that want to try a bit of everything when finding the right drink.


    Hario Cold Brew Coffee Pot Maker

    If your friend is someone who enjoys their coffee cold, consider giving them a cold brew maker. Unlike brewed coffee poured over ice, cold brew coffee has a fuller and deeper flavor which makes the drink more delicious. With a cold brew coffee maker, coarse coffee grounds are steeped in room temperature or cold water overnight. This helps release the full flavor of the coffee. Because it does take some time, this is an excellent option for people who don’t need to rush into their cup of coffee immediately after preparing them.


    Pantry Organizers

    Appeal to your friends’ inner baristas and give them things that will help make their pantry feel more like their favorite coffee shops. After all, mornings, afternoons, and evenings making coffee turn ten times better with the perfect ambiance. Here are some additions to their pantry that coffee lovers are sure to love:


    Coffee Containers

    Make sure that your coffee lover’s coffee beans are well kept. Shield them from air, moisture, heat, and light by gifting your friends with an airtight container that can help preserve the quality of their coffee beans. These magnetic containers are a good choice for those with a small space in their pantries. Not only are they extremely convenient, they also look really sleek and are easy to clean too.


    Measuring Scales

    This one is for your coffee lovers who still measure everything haphazardly! While coffee can definitely taste good without all the measuring, scales can help coffee drinkers get it just right every single time. From the perfect coffee grounds-to-water ratio to the amount of sugar, creamer, or milk they put in their drinks, having measuring scales will definitely help them get their favorite cup of coffee.


    Coffee Grounds

    For those who enjoy preparing their own coffee, coffee grounds are an excellent choice! Give them their favorite blend or surprise them with these locally sourced coffee beans. After all, what coffee lover would say no to delicious coffee?


    A Little Bit of Everything!

    If you can’t quite decide what exactly you want to get your coffee loving friends, get them a little of everything. Curated PH offers the Coffee Delight Pack Gift Box, which includes a 300 mL French Press Coffee Maker, 250g of Single Origin Arabica Coffee Beans, and a small kitchen scale to help you measure the perfect coffee-to-water ratio. This is a perfect gift for baby coffee lovers or for the busy coffee aficionados who don’t have the time to buy their own sets!


    The Perfect Brew

    Just like there’s a different perfect brew for everyone, the perfect gift is different for coffee lovers. Sometimes, a simple set of coffee filters may be all that they need. Other times, they just might need that sophisticated coffee maker. Check out the rest of our catalogue if you’re still having a hard time deciding what to get your favorite coffee lover.


    Whatever gift you want to buy, think about the kind of coffee drinker they are and from there, let your gift-giving ideas brew!