Rainy Season Comforts: Get To Know Curated PH's Premium Beans and the Philippines’ Best Coffee OriginsNews

    Coffee drinking has become such a part of our culture here in the Philippines that it’s now a part of our daily habits. Sometimes, we feel like there’s a coffee-shaped hole in our hearts when we don’t drink one. Here at Curated, we fill that hole and provide you with premium coffee beans sourced from the country’s best coffee origins.

    There’s nothing wrong with instant coffee, but there’s a whole new flavorful experience to drinking coffee on a rainy day when it’s made with high-quality beans. In this article, we’ll tell you what to expect from Curated’s premium coffee beans and jot down the best coffee beans in the Philippines for you to try. 

    Read on and experience the rich Philippine coffee culture right between your eyes!

    Indulge in Curated PH’s Premium Coffee Beans

    Curated's premium coffee beans are a testament to the country's delicious coffee brews. These locally sourced single-origin brews are some of the best coffee beans in the Philippines. Whether a new coffee lover or a coffee connoisseur, you'll surely love the unique and exquisite flavors these coffee beans bring.

    Check out these sensational local arabica coffee beans:

    Mt. Apo Sensational Fruity Single Origin

    Hailing from Mindanao, our Mt. Apo Sensational Fruity Single Origin arabica coffee is a world-class wonder. Drinking this brew will give you a fruity vibe with a citrusy hint. The coffee beans are washed, medium-roasted, and grown at an elevation of 1,500 meters above sea level to ensure a superior flavor for coffee connoisseurs.

    To give a long-lasting savoriness, our Mt. Apo Sensational Fruity Single Origin is best for drip or pour-over brewing methods. And for as low as 105 PHP, you’ll get to experience the heights of Mt. Apo while sipping this arabica single origin.

    Sagada Finest Arabica Single Origin

    Our Sagada Finest Arabica Single Origin coffee comes from one of the best coffee origins in the mountainous Philippines, the highlands of Sagada. These Sagada beans will give you a rich flavor taste achieved through espresso or drip brewing. When you buy Sagada arabica coffee, you will discover that this roast reaches the ideal mouthfeel between fruity, sweet, and nutty flavors.

    Sagada Finest Arabica Single Origin is available in our store at a minimum price of 92 PHP. With its affordability, you’ll get to sip a flavorful cup of joe ethically sourced from the hills of the Cordilleras.

    Benguet Delight Arabica Single Origin

    One of the Philippines’ known local coffee beans is cultured from La Trinidad, Benguet. La Trinidad is the center of coffee production in northern Luzon. That’s why Benguet arabica is becoming more popular worldwide.

    Our Benguet Delight Arabica Single Origin brews will give you a brown sugary flavor blended with a mild citrus taste. Because it’s also sourced from the elevated parts of Benguet, the climate the coffee beans are nurtured in blends well with its taste giving it a distinct and high-quality flavor. It also dispenses a long-lasting aroma that makes your coffee-making experience even better.

    Best Coffee Beans in the Philippines

    Coffee brewing during the rainy season is much more different when you add coffee beans to the mix. Now that you know Curated’s premium arabica coffee beans, here are other local coffee beans in the Philippines that will soothe your soul on a rainy day! 


    Also known as Liberica, the Barako coffee bean is the quintessential "Pinoy" coffee that gives a strong punch that’s perfect for gathering energy in the morning. Cultivated in Batangas, it has spicy undertones with hints of smokey and chocolatey taste. 

    Barako coffee can be brewed using a drip method, a French press, or simply by pouring hot water over the grinds and filtering the mixture with a piece of cloth. In preparing Barako coffee, it’s best to add muscovado sugar to have a tinge of sweetness while still tasting a solid kick to start your day.


    As the second most popular coffee bean in the world, robusta beans account for 40% of the coffee production in the world. The intense flavor and bitterness of Robusta coffee beans are why they are primarily used to produce instant coffee and espresso blends.

    This coffee bean grows primarily in Kalinga and Ilocos Sur, as well as in the lowlands. Because Robusta beans have a grainy texture, they’re more suited for espresso brewing. Try our Kalinga Cordillera Wet Washed Dark Roast Robusta to experience the robust flavors of this earthy coffee bean!


    More common in Quezon, Batangas, and Sorsogon, excelsa coffee beans give coffee drinkers a mysterious note with a touch of deep-roasted flavors. It yields a tempting aroma with a tart, fruity, dark, and mysterious taste.

    Excelsa beans are ideal for coffee lovers who want to taste berry notes in their brews. If you're looking for an excellent cup of espresso, you can use a French press, percolator, AeroPress, and drip methods to brew Excelsa coffee beans. Taste our Barako Cordillera Wet Washed Medium Dark Roast Excelsa whole bean coffee and know why it’s mysteriously good to the palate.

    Enjoy the Rainy Days with the Best Local Coffee Beans

    As the rain continues to fall steadily, the desire to make a pot of coffee only grows stronger. Coffee is indeed a great way to unwind, and this holds true regardless of how quickly or meticulously it’s brewed. 

    Are you craving more brews? Fill the coffee-shaped hole in your hearts and enjoy the greatest coffee beans in the Philippines in the comfort of your own homes.